Steam coming back to Tuntang

Steam will soon come back to the Ambarawa - Tuntang railway line. The KOMPAS Daily reported that the track along the Rawapening Lake is being improved. Suhardjono, the Ambarawa station master, told the newspaper that 800 crossties (albeit vintage, not new ones) have been installed. Work is also being done to repair the track bed. More work, however, still needs to be done, such as the much needed repair of some of the bridges and culverts. But Suhardjono is optimistic that before the end of 2009 the track would be ready for steam service.

The "new" crossties at Ambarawa Station in July 2008. Now they are already in place.

(photo: Deddy Herlambang)

But, a number of bridges and culverts will need major repair work before any steam train can pass.

The beautiful view along the railway is one of its main assets and attractions. The preservation of the the Ambarawa - Tuntang line should include control of development along the track to prevent it from destroying the view. This, of course, applies for Ambarawa - Bedono as well.

Meanwhile, the only way to go to Tuntang by rail (hopefully for the time being) is on this lorry.

Though there was no mention of C1218 in the article, it is expected that this locomotive will haul the Tuntang train. Here, it is being washed by the shed staff.

I hope this means that C1218 will not be moved to Solo (as has been reported a few months earlier by the same newspaper)


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